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Trujillo is such a pleasant and enchanting town that one can spend hours simply walking through the same streets or sitting on a bench of some romantic square, as the city seduces whoever goes there, making you never want to leave.

Despite this feeling, which you’re sure to experience if you go to Trujillo, it’s best to escape, if only for a moment, from this seduction. You can visit the archeological remains in the city outskirts or nearby beaches, like Huanchaco, where you can watch brave fishermen ride out to sea on fragile “Caballitos de Totora”, a traditional pre-Inca craft made with compressed reeds.

To visit in Trujillo: Churches and Temples, Colonial and Republican Mansions, Archeological Remains


Tour en Condiciones-generales

3 days city + caballos / FD clasico / Brujo + Gastronomic

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2 Days Trujillo, Classic tour.

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FD Private tour: Trujillo, Historical and Gastronomic

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FD Gastronomic Route Trujillo

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FD- Tour: Huaca de la Luna, onsite museum of Huacas de Moche + Huanchaco and Chan Chan +Arco Iris.

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FD Tour: Los Huacac del Sol, Huanchaco and Chan Chan

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Chan Chan + Huanchaco tour

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City Tour in Trujillo + Huacas del Sol y la Luna

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Otros Destinos

E-mail: sales@north-peru.com
Teléfono: (+51) 44 310423 - Celular: (+51) 991479589
Dirección: Jr. Francisco Pizarro N° 478 – Of 201, Plaza de Armas de Trujillo
Trujillo - Perú